Keywords: Academic Map, Subjects, Research Fields, Research Topics
According to all the topics and their children topics listed by Microsoft Academic, this Academic Map are generated. The data is crawled from the subject classification of Microsoft Academic.
Because many of the child topics belong to different parent topics, and each topic has an associated topic, the entire academic map is a network structure instead of a tree structure.
The structure of the entire topic map has 5-6 layers, the number of Nodes is 25,429, and the number of Edges is 60624 (only when the parent-child relationship is displayed). Gephi and the force-oriented OpenOrd algorithm are adopted to generate this map. By observing the entire map, as well as utilizing filter, select and other operations, we can find that computer science and mathematics are the most closely related. The humanities and social sciences (such as political science, economies, business, sociology, philosophy, history, psychology) and natural sciences (such as chemistry, materials science, physics) are each in a pile, with clear boundaries. Visualization belongs to data mining and is associated with disciplines such as artificial intelligence, computer graphics, computer aid design.
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