Map of Computer Science (2018)
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This map is generated in order to reveal the intersection and development of various research fields of computer science. Through analyzing the citing, cited, co-citing and co-cited relationships, the number of which shows the intersection of research fields, and the trends of number and scope variation of which show the developments of them.

Due to computational efficiency and data representativeness, the above map is generated using the top 5% cited journal articles of the China Computer Federation(CCF) from the year of 2000 to 2017. The number of papers is 16000+, and the Noverlap layout is used to prevent node stacking and at the same time demonstrate the aggregation and intersection of research fields. It can be seen that the integration of computer graphics and multimedia (including the field of visualization) and the field of artificial intelligence is very significant.

The map above shows all CCF journal articles from 2000 to 2017, paper_num: 337,233, link_num: 1,648,875. However, it can only be shown in a static graph, because of its huge amount nodes and complex edges.

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